Heres some pics from the closing party BACK ON THE STREETS show...and what turned out to be closing party for the physical entity of the 5th Gallery.
In the almost 2 years of existence we manage to showcase well over 200 artists, as well as be a stage for everything from open jams, DJ tutorials, circuit bending workshops, and many many good times.
We almost hit the 2 year mark...but alas, the landlord seemed to not dig what we were doing for whatever reason and decided to not re-lease us. Shady answers and such from him..who knows what we were doing wrong, but these pics definitely show what we were doing right.
This party paid homage to the MC's and the graffiti writers, and well even DJ's....The Mic Marathon was a chance for us to invite MC's as well as call out to those that just wasted to be part of the longest cypher we had ever done at the gallery...and for those that have been there on some Friday nights as well as the popular One Take live mixtapes..that was a tall order.
However, this cypher more than represented as the Mic was hot...and sometimes cold, but at all times being rocked for a good 5 hours! 5 hours....5 HOURS...you can watch like the whole star wars trilogy in 5 hrs, I think. Anyways--Tee Double , Phranchyze, Dubb Sicks, Japanese Jesus, Doc Deuce, G Clef ..and tons other grabbed mic and rocked to beats provided by DJ Jazz One and DJ Rock Well.
Oh yeah...all whilst popular Austin graffiti writers painted our boy FATS' VW van. SLOKE ONE, DEFORM, and MEZ ONE crushed on the bus and had passerbyers at times stuck in there tracks...it was awesome.